segunda-feira, março 05, 2007


"Care, as a primordial structural totality, lies 'before' ["vor"] every. factical 'attitude' and 'situation' of Dasein, and it does so existentially a priori; this means that it always lies in them. So this phenomenon by no means expresses a priority of the 'practical' attitude over the theoretical. When we ascertain something present-at-hand by merely beholding it, this activity has the character of care just as much as does a 'political action' or taking a rest and enjoying oneself. 'Theory' and 'practice' are possibilities of Being for an entity whose Being must be defined as "care""

Heidegger, 1962, pag. 238

O papel do cuidar como elemento que supera a tradicional diferença entre teoria e prática.

Nota: Os elementos constantes deste blog correspondem a apontamentos do próprio sobre leituras de Heidegger. Muitas poderão estar incorrectas. Os visitantes são convidados a falar sobre estes temas (Falar=Rede).

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