Foto a partir do interior de uma casa Kabyle
Fonte: George Eastman House Photography Collections Online
"The house, an opu operatum, lends itself as such to a deciphering, but only to a decyphering which does not forget that the "book" from which the children learn their vision of the world is read by the body, in and through the movements and displacements which make the space within which they are enacted as much as they are made by it."
Bourdieu, Pierre (1977 [1972]) Outline of a Theory of Practice. Stanford: Stanford University Press, pág. 90
3 comentários:
This photo couldn't be taken in Kabylia, since Kabylia have neither desert, nor sahara, Kabylie is a green and fertil area situated in the north of Algeria, facing to mediterranean sea and protected in the south by the Djurdjura's mountains (2308m).
Herebe a link to see what Kabylia looks for =>
You are right and thank you for the page address.
I made a google search and I found funny the way as it was a photo supposedly taken from inside a Kabyle house.
Thanks for teh correction :)
In this case it's particular interesting that play with that idea of a "dry" Algeria that it's not in fact the kabyle region (in fact in some photos that I looked it had that Mediterranean look of other landscapes like the ones we have in Portugal).
I'm Kabyle, there're no camels in Kabylie, it's in zoo that I've seen camels for the first time...
Kabylia is a green area, typicaly mediterranean, the djurdjura's mountains (2308m) protect naturally Kabylia from the "desertification"...
For us, it's by the same way that arabo-islamists are trying to present by assmilating Kabyles who are Berbers (free men) as arabs... and presenting Kabylia region as their land, dry and nomadic... all this is FALSE as u know
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