Mariana's Movie: Excelent!!!!!!! (Mariana is the one standing up against the wall)
Mariana entered a session about enterprise archaeology.
While everyone was talking about “how to be a entrepreneur” and “how to have success”, with Richard Branson as a model, Mariana had the courage of showing the other face of contract archaeology, interviewing people that ended their graduate courses and that deal with the daily life of bulldozers and construction works.
All show the delusion of an archaeology of despair, which people try to fill with a coming back to the University to do Masters.
In many ways it challenges us to think what kind of archaeology are we doing as the interviews are interpolated with citations from the works of post-modern archaeology thinkers as Tilley, Hodder and Shanks.
“Were are you going archaeology?” we could think in the end.
Another thing why I liked so much this presentation was the use of video.
In a long time ago me and Alexandra did a documentary movie about the Guadiana engravings.
We presented it at Évora in the "Sinais de Pedra" conference.
It was a very emotional thing that make many people cry. Not in a maudlin, "easy tears" way.
Our purppose at that time, was in fact open the way for a different archaeology that is not only made by the written and spoken word.The Emotion Archaeology.
I shall be back to this subject in this blog. I think that emotions are a field to explore, from storytelling to experiencing. There is a wide field to be explored by archaeologists.
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